
Tuesday 17 July 2012

Fried Tan Wan Filled with Cream Cheese and Shrimps Recipe

As with other seafood, shrimps have high calcium, iodine and protein but low in food energy. A shrimp-based meal is also a significant source of cholesterol, from 122mg to 251mg per 100g of shrimp, depending on the method of preparation. Shrimp consumption, however, is considered healthy for the circulatory system because the lack of significant levels of saturated fat in shrimp means that the high cholesterol content in shrimp actually improves the ratio of LDL to HDL cholesterol and lowers triglycerides. This makes them very important once in a while in the diet. Try them in this recipe to see the delicacy for yourself.
Cook time is 25 minutes (serves 3)
Ingredients for the recipe
200g cocktail shrimps
1 bunch chives
200g cream cheese
Juice of 1 lemon
2 tablespoon rice vinegar
1 1 pinch grated fresh root ginger
½ teaspoon five spice powder
16 wan tan leaves (frozen)
 2 egg whites
4 tablespoon sesame seeds
2 ½ quarts vegetable oil for deep fat frying
Procedure for the recipe
  • Dry well the shrimps and chop coarsely. Dry the chives and finely chop.
  • Mix the cream cheese, shrimps and chives. Season to taste with lemon juice, rice vinegar, ginger, five spice powder and salt.
  • Spread out the wan tan leaves, put 1 teaspoon of the cheese spread into the middle of each leaf.
  • Coat the edges with egg white and flap the leaves over diagonally to form little triangular packs.
  • Coat the wan tan with the remaining egg white, then sprinkle with sesame seeds and deep fat fry in plenty of sizzling oil until crispy golden.
  • Drain on kitchen paper. Serve. 

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