
Tuesday 17 July 2012

Tiger Prawns in Chilli Batter Recipe

Cook time is 25 minutes (serves 3)
Ingredients for the recipe
1 pack instant tempura batter
1 tablespoon chilli flakes
1 tablespoon paprika powder
20 large, whole tiger prawns
2 ½ quarts vegetable oil for deep fat frying
2 lemons
Kaffir lime leaves
Procedure for the recipe
  • Prepare the tempura batter according to the instruction on the package, stir in the chilli flakes and paprika and set aside.
  • Dry the prawns; cut off the legs and beard with kitchen scissors, remove the tail shell, leaving the tip of the tail.
  • Heat the oil to 160°C. Bathe the prawns in the batter and deep fat fry in the sizzling oil for 5mins until crispy golden. Drain on kitchen paper.
  •  Arrange the tiger prawns on plates, sprinkle with lemon juice and serve garnished with kaffir lime leaves.

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