
Wednesday 18 July 2012

Tuna Chunks in a Sesame Coat with Radish and Green Asparagus

Tuna are a group of salt water fish. Tuna are fast swimmers, and some species are capable of speeds of 70 km/h (43 mph). Unlike most fish, which have white flesh, the muscle tissue of tuna ranges from pink to dark red. The red coloration derives from myoglobin, an oxygen binding molecule, which tuna express in quantities far higher than most other fish. This species of fish is therefore so nutritious as far as quality diets are concerned. Don’t miss it, try it.

Cook time 25 minutes (Serves 3)
Ingredients for the recipe
500g tuna
2 tablespoon fish sauce
4 tablespoon sesame seed
1 bunch green asparagus
400g white radish
4 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 tablespoon sesame oil
½ teaspoon palm sugar
6 tablespoon oyster sauce
Procedure for the recipe
  • Dry the tuna and cut into 3cm chunks, then sprinkle with fish sauce and coat with sesame seed.
  • Dry the asparagus and cut into finger sized pieces. Rinse and dry the radish and cut into 4cm sticks.
  • Heat 2 tablespoon vegetable oil and the sesame oil and briefly stir-fry the asparagus, then add the radish sticks and sprinkle with the grated palm sugar. Remove.
  • Heat the remaining oil, put in the tuna chunks one by one and carefully fry on both sides. Towards the end, return the vegetable oil in the pan, pour the oyster sauce over stir carefully and serve immediately. Serve.

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