
Tuesday 17 July 2012

Cod Curry with Papaya and Fried Cauliflower Florets Recipe

Cod is used as part of the commons name for a number of fishes, and are also a species suggested to belong to genus Gadus. The two most important species of cod are the Atlantic cod, which lives in the colder waters and deeper sea regions throughout the North Atlantic, and the Pacific cod, found in both eastern and western regions of the northern Pacific. Cod is popular as food with a mild flavour and a dense, flaky White flesh. Cod livers are processed to make cod liver oil, an important source of vitamin A, vitamin D, Vitamin E. Don’t miss these vitamins in this recipe.
Cauliflower on the other side contains compounds that help prevent cancer. These compounds increase the activity of enzymes that disable and eliminate carcinogens. Cauliflower also contains Vitamins, fiber, potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. Cauliflower is naturally low in calories, stimulating, and even an appetite-suppressant making them a perfect diet food. It's actually a source of energy and a natural boost to the body's defenses. It is excellent for the body, rich in vitamin C, particularly when eaten raw, and provides strength and vitality. Its fiber and potassium promote good intestinal transit and limit water retention. It's an excellent source of folic acid and potassium. Try this in this recipe.
Cook time is 35 minutes and 10 minutes for marinating (serves 3)
Ingredients for the recipe
600g cod fillet
2 tablespoon fish sauce
6 tablespoon peanut oil
120g cauliflower florets
100g fresh peas
1 tablespoon palm sugar
1 tablespoon red curry paste
3 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 tin unsweetened coconut milk (400ml)
200g papaya chunks
Procedure for the recipe
  •  Cut the cod fillet into strips of 2cm, then marinate for 10mins in the fish sauce.
  • Stir-fry the cauliflower florets in 3 tablespoons oil for 5 mins, until golden brown. Then add the fresh peas, stir well and remove.
  • Heat the remaining peanut oil and dissolve the grated palm sugar. Add the curry paste, fry briefly, then pour in the oyster sauce and 100 ml water.
  • Leave to thicken slightly, then add the coconut milk. Give the marinated fish strips and papaya chunks into the sauce and leave to simmer for 3 mins.
  • Towards the end return the cauliflower florets and peas into the curry and allow to draw a little. Serve.

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